Sell My Cell Phones


Comparing 12,457 Prices on 2,176 devices today

FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions

Sell my cell frequently asked questionsIf you have a query or need help then it may not be necessary to contact us directly for a response. Please browse our most frequently asked questions below and you should find the answer you are looking for.

Can I sell a damaged or broken cell phone?

Yes you can, many of the cell phone buying companies that we compare offer varying prices depending on the condition of your phone. Obviously a new phone will earn the most, followed by a used cell phone and then a broken or damaged cell phone. Our comparison table will show you how much you can earn for your cell phone in various conditions.

Do I need to also send the cell phone charger?

No, most cell phone buying companies only require the cell phone handset and battery.

Can I sell my phone without its box or original accessories?

Yes, the cell phone buyers on our website do not require the cell phones original box or accessories and the prices quoted are without these items.

Do I need to send you my SIM card?

Please do not send your SIM card, cell phone buying companies do not require your SIM card in order to test and process your handset.

Do I have to pay mailing costs when I send my cell phone?

All of the cell phone buyers that we compare offer free mailing when you send your phone, this is shown in our price comparison table. Sending your phone should not cost you a dime.

Can I send more than one cell phone?

Absolutely, the more cell phones you send, the more money you will earn.

How can I get paid?

Almost all mobile phone buying companies pay by check or faster payment via PayPal.

Why can’t I find my cell phone on your website?

Be sure that you have spelt the brand or model of your cell phone handset correctly. We get our phone information directly from the phone buyers featured on our website. If you cannot see your handset, try our brand search in order to navigate to your handset. If you still cannot find your cell phone it is likely to be because it no loner has any monetary or recycling value.

What is an IMEI number and how do I find out the IMEI number of my cell phone?

IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity and is a serial number unique to every cell phone. You will usually find it printed on the back of your cell phone underneath the battery or by entering a specific code on your keypad. We have created a guide to help you find your IMEI number here.

How do I know if you have received my cell phone?

We are not a cell phone buyer, you do not send the cell phone to us and we do not send you money. We simply display the prices currently being offered for your cell phone. Once you place an order to sell on our site, this is transferred to your chosen buyer to process.

You will receive a confirmation email shortly after completing your order which will include details of your order along with details of how to contact them should you have a query or discrepancy. If you lose these details you can find contact details in the Who We Compare section on the main menu. Please contact the buyer directly as we are unable to help with individual orders.

Why haven’t I received my money yet?

You should receive a confirmation email shortly after completing your transaction which will include details of your order along with details of how to contact them should you have a query or discrepancy. Please contact the buyer directly using these details if you think that there has been an unnecessary delay in receiving your payment.

If you don’t actually buy the phones or send the money, what’s in it for you?

Each time a user of our website completes an order, the cell phone buying company pays us a small commission. Please note that we are paid directly from the buyer and not you, the offer you receive for your phone on our website is identical to that you would receive if you visited the cell phone buyers website directly.